B-ACT S.A.About us

About us

ico elastycznosc
ico firma inzyniersko konsultingowa

Engineering and consulting company

We support the construction industry in project management and dispute avoidance. We act as contract engineer and contract administrator on construction projects. We also provide investment-related expertise.

ico zarzadzanie kontraktami

30 years experience

For more than a quarter of a century, we have been managing, consulting and supervising construction projects.

ico rynki miedzynarodowe

Presence on international markets

We have numerous projects in Poland, Ukraine, Romania, the Baltic States, Brazil, Germany and the Middle East.


We are a Polish-owned engineering and consulting company, established in 1994, with 30 years of experience in the management, consulting and supervision of construction projects.

We have extensive experience in the implementation of projects in the field of commercial and residential construction (including public buildings), road construction, water and wastewater management, infrastructure and industrial construction.

Our projects span across Poland, Ukraine, Romania, the Baltic States, Brazil, and the Middle East.

We bring together technical, economic, and legal expertise to successfully execute construction projects. Our team consists of over 150 specialists in various areas of construction, design, and cost estimation.

Representative office in Ukraine

B-Act S.A. has been operating in the Ukrainian market since 2017, specializing in consulting services and technical supervision of construction investments.

Our representative office, established in 2019, is located in Kyiv, with regional offices in Vinnytsia, Poltava, and Kharkiv to support the execution of key projects in Ukraine.

ico ukrflagico

Our team is actively engaged in major infrastructure projects, including the construction of a cross-border bridge over the Dniester River, connecting Ukraine and Moldova, as well as the development of roads and critical infrastructure.



adam bialachowski

Adam Białachowski

Chairman of the Board

Miron Klomfas

General Director
andrzej zajdzinski

Andrzej Zajdziński

Member of the Board
jakub bialachowski

Jakub Białachowski

Director of the Contracts Administration Department
szymon baran

Szymon Baran

Team Leader
y sereda

Yuriy Sereda

Director of representative office in Ukraine
wladyslaw bialachowski

Władysław Białachowski

B-Act Founder
jan stylinski

Jan Styliński

President of the Polish Association of Construction Industry Employers
mra 3

Małgorzata Rogowicz Angierman

FIDIC adjudicator, arbitrator

Supervisory Board

www radoslaw kozlowski

Radosław Kozłowski

Engineer, Manager, Consultant SIDiR


adam bialachowski

Adam Białachowski

Chairman of the Board

Miron Klomfas

General Director
andrzej zajdzinski

Andrzej Zajdziński

Member of the Board
jakub bialachowski

Jakub Białachowski

Director of the Contracts Administration Department
szymon baran

Szymon Baran

Team Leader
y sereda

Yuriy Sereda

Director of representative office in Ukraine
wladyslaw bialachowski

Władysław Białachowski

B-Act Founder
jan stylinski

Jan Styliński

President of the Polish Association of Construction Industry Employers
mra 3

Małgorzata Rogowicz Angierman

FIDIC adjudicator, arbitrator
www radoslaw kozlowski

Radosław Kozłowski

Engineer, Manager, Consultant SIDiR

Supervisory Board

Membership of organisations such as:

Do you need investment support?

Are you looking for an investment supervision or contract engineer?